Educational News

Why Many Schools Are Starting Later

Author: Best Brains Oct 08, 2018

sleeping in, boy sleeping on books, boy in library, sleep deprived, school starting later, school schedule, early morning

There has been a recent shift seen in the starting times for many schools throughout the U.S. hundreds of schools have chosen to begin the school day much later than they previously had. Instead of starting the day at 7:30 or 8am, these schools are beginning classes closer to 9am. And the results are astounding.

Health Affects

It is a proven fact that children need more sleep than most adults. A healthy sleep schedule is important to the health and success of any child. Yet, most schedules do not allow for this. The recent changes to the school day allow for children to get participate in a sleep cycle that is healthier for them. This leads to better overall health such as a reduction in weight gain, diabetes, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, behavior problems, and mood swings just to name a few.

Safety Affects

These later start times allow for many students to travel to school in the light of day, whereas before they were getting up and walking or driving to school when it was still dark out without much adult supervision. This also means that students are not getting out of school as early, which decreases the amount of time they are left unsupervised or in the care of daycare or latchkey facilities until an adult gets off work. Starting school later has led a decreased number of adolescent students who get into trouble because they are not properly supervised or are still tired from their early morning.

Academic Affects

Studies have shown that students who don’t get enough sleep cannot do their best at school. It impairs memory, learning, and attention as well as their overall health and well-being. Schools that have chosen to start later are seeing a massive improvement in their students’ academics. This is shown not only in their overall grades but they are less moody, more alert, and much less likely to get into trouble and/or fall asleep in class.

Less Achievement Gaps

Those students that come from disadvantaged families may have even harder time with early mornings. If a parent has a fixed work schedule and/or no transportation, students who are tired and get up late may have no choice but to show up late to school or not be able to get there at all. Reoccurring tardiness, absences, and truancy lead to higher dropout rates in schools. As a result, the achievement gap becomes even larger and the cycle is bound to continue. With later school start times, these students are able to make it to class at the right time everyday with very little problems. Their scores improve and studies find that they are more likely to move on to successful careers as adults.

Could a later start to the school day be beneficial for you and your children? What about the area or school district as whole? Talk to other parents in your area. Maybe something can be done to help your students to succeed even more.

