Test Prep


Our ACT/SAT Test Prep Program

The ACT/SAT is a standardized test used across the nation for college admissions. This can be a stressful test for many students, and we believe it is never too early to begin preparations. Our program is designed for students in grades 7 to 9. Whether your child plans to take the SAT, the ACT or both, we've developed a comprehensive, content-based program to help our students develop the skills necessary to succeed in the high-stakes world of college admissions testing.

During the course of our 36-week-long program, students will work in a small class setting with an expert instructor to practice and master test content covering all subjects tested on the ACT and SAT: Reading, English, Essay Writing, Science and Math.

What concepts are covered? Just to name a few...

Practice Tests for ACT and SAT


Advanced Grammar



Scientific Data Analysis

What are the benefits of Best Brains ACT/SAT Test Prep?

Acquired skills for test-specific content

Increased self-confidence through familiarity and practice

Preparation for test day with test-specific tips and approaches

Expanded knowledge from Best Brains Math and English

