Today in History

Train Your Brain Day

Author: Best Brains Aug 12, 2018

Train Your Brain Day

This day each year gives us an incredible opportunity. October 13th is Train Your Brain Day. However, every day is full of choices to be made, whether big or small. Those tiny routine actions made such as opening your eyes upon waking up in the morning to life changing decisions like getting married or running for President all start with functions of your brain. You couldn’t do anything without the use of it. And with its power, you can do anything.

This Day’s History

This day was created to draw attention to the fact that your brain is powerful tool, one that has earth-changing potential. It was also established to motivate us to use that tool for the world’s benefit.

With your brain you can not only invent new ideas and innovations, solve world problems, and design some of the most amazing structures on the planet but you can also change the way you feel, the way you think, and the way you live your everyday life.

We also have an opportunity whether we realize it or not to train our brains continuously. We tell it how to react to certain situations, how to read feelings in ourselves and others, and we even tell it what it has the power to do, sometimes putting it in a box.

This day is made for realizing that there is no box too large for the mind. Its potential and capabilities are endless, you alone limit those. You, with your brain, have to power to feel certain ways, think in certain mindsets, and react to others and the world around you. How you do that is completely up to you. It’s a simple choice you can make. If you want to have the best day or life possible, you alone can choose to make decisions and react positively.

How it is Celebrated

Train Your Brain Day is celebrated by making choices to better yourself and your future. That could mean doing some cognitive exercises like crosswords, math problems, or puzzles of various kinds. It could be teaching yourself something new such a new language or enrolling in an art class. Or it could be as unpretentious as waking up with the mindset of succeeding and choosing to not get upset if things don’t go as planned or how you had hoped.

Train your brain to be a positive and empowering tool. Every moment offers you the opportunity to make a positive reaction or a negative one. Let’s choose to make the world better by training our brains to be the best they can be both in simple everyday actions and those earth-moving ones that defy all odds.

