Parenting Tips

Household Chores For Teens

Author: Best Brains Nov 27, 2018

Pouring Water into Cup

Not many children or teens actually enjoy doing chores, in fact neither do many adults. However, these are activities are a must and so we do them. For teens, they can be an invaluable way to teach some very crucial life lessons, as well as prepare them for life as an adult. Below are a few common household chores most teens are very capable of completing on a daily or weekly basis.

Do Their Own Laundry

This is fairly simple. Teach them load and use the washer and dryer in your home. Washing their own laundry, including towels and sheets will help them to prepare for college life. This should also include folding and/or putting away the laundry, and even using an iron.

Sweep and Vacuum

They aren’t too young to walk behind the vacuum in the living room or sweep the kitchen with a broom. Depending on your teen and your typical cleaning schedule, you could have them do one room at a time or make it a larger project.

Take Out the Trash

Most families have a weekly trash pick up day. Your teen is old enough to go room to room emptying trash baskets and collecting them to be taken out each week. While this helps keep the house tidy, it also serves to teach your child some responsibility about making sure tasks are completed before a specific due date.

Tidy the Bathroom

You know that toothpaste residue that the sink always seems to be caked in? Your teen is now old enough to scrub it out himself. This is part of teaching them to pick up after themselves. They can also clean counters, mirrors, and even the toilet.

Take Care of Pets

If your family includes a few four-legged members, having your teen clean the litter box or feed and water them are simple tasks they can handle. You might even allow them to take them for walks or give them a batch occasionally.

Washing Dishes

Washing Dishes

Now is the perfect age for your teen to learn how to load, run, and unload the dishwasher. You can help them out by completing part of that task or give them the entire daily task, depending on your teen. They can also learn to scrub pots, pans, and items that might not be dishwasher appropriate.

Making Dinner

At this age, your teen should be perfectly able to prepare some simple and well-balanced meals. This does not mean mac-n-cheese out of a box. This will ensure that your teen doesn’t starve when he moves out of your home for college. Spaghetti is a good starting point and is easy to master.

Start instilling these life lessons in your teen today and soon you will find that not only do you have a shorter to-do list but your child will have learned some responsibility and be well on their way to a successful adulthood.

