The #1 Fear: Public Speaking
Studies have shown that people are more afraid of public speaking than death.
You heard that right.
Actual death is less frightening to most people than speaking in front of a crowd.
Despite the shock-factor of that statement, the likelihood that you fall into that group is fairly high. Additionally, the likelihood that your child falls into the group is equally as high.
Good news!
Best Brains of Algonquin has a Public Speaking program that is designed specifically to help nip that fear in the bud. We understand how intimidating it can be to put yourself out there, especially as a young kid. We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for kids to go out of their comfort zone and develop a skill for one of the greatest fears in today’s world.
However, why is it even important to overcome this fear?
Here are some of the many benefits that make overcoming the hurdle of public speaking worth it:
- Career Advancement
- An ability to public speak fearlessly is a strong indicator of creativity, poise, leadership skills, poise, and professionalism. This creates further opportunities for promotions in the future!
- Confidence Boost
- Working through public speaking helps overcome fears and insecurities of being in front of people by dealing with it and pushing through it.
- Connecting with the audience reminds the speaker that their voice/opinion matters. Teaching this ideal at a young age encourages the idea that they have insight to the world around them.
- Critical Thinking
- Writing a speech takes thought and organization. Practicing this process forces kids to find effective ways to communicate their ideas in a way people will understand.
- Vocab and Fluency
- In order to create a speech that is effective and communicative, kids need to utilize stronger vocab while also learning to eliminate fillers and stutters.
Choosing Public Speaking at Best Brains of Algonquin is an easy and effective way to help encourage your child to try new things while overcoming what intimidates them. Not only this, but they get all of these perks along the way.
Check out our blog below to get more details about what makes public speaking worth the effort!