
Apps to Help Your Student Stay Focused and Organized

Nov 04, 2020

With the school year in full motion, students might have their plates full with Math, English, Abacus, and all the other courses they are juggling. Unfortunately, sometimes it's all too easy to get lost in all of the homework, reading, projects, and more (especially when some classes are online and some are in-person). In order to avoid getting overwhelmed, now is the perfect time to utilize the tools we have at our fingertips -- apps! Here are three apps that we have found to be beneficial in helping to maintain students’ focus and/or keep them organized.

Focus Keeper

Focus Keeper is an app designed to do just that: keep your focus! It is a timer app that helps to guide a study/homework session to allow for the most ideal learning. It starts out with a timer of 25 minutes, which are meant to be dedicated to working. Then, it goes to a 5-minute timer that delegates a break from work in order to reset. The app switches back and forth between these timers to help enforce a healthy and effective learning session.

Focus Keeper App


Todoist is basically a to-do list, but it’s also so much more! What’s great about this app is that you can add a task along with it’s due date, priority level, and its subtasks. You can also add collaborators so that several people can add and/or complete tasks on the list. There is an option to complete several lists, so you can make a list for each class to keep tasks separate and easy to locate.

Todoist App


Games and videos can become a distraction when it comes to trying to get homework done, especially when that homework is being done on a device. Freedom eliminates this issue by providing a way to block distracting websites and apps for a set period of time. You can choose to block only specific websites, or you can block internet access entirely for homework that is to be completed without the use of internet.

Freedom App

In this day and age it is very useful to have all of these resources available to us. These specific ones are perfect for making learning feel more like exciting accomplishments rather than chores, which is a fundamental ideal here at Best Brains!

