Art Time with Ms. Bethany: Coloring Shapes Using Evens and Odds
Making Paper Airplanes: The Glider
Making Paper Airplanes: The Classic
Art Time with Ms. Jenny: Making Beads
Making Paper Airplanes: The Fighter
Making Paper Airplanes: The Boomerang
Making Paper Airplanes: The Hornet
Making Origami: Paper Fish
Art Time with Ms. Hasan: Coloring, Mixing and Painting
Making Paper Airplanes: The Starship
Kids Craft Corner: Bookmarks
Making Paper Airplanes: The Cadilac
Optical Illusions with Mehul and Megha
Making Paper Airplanes: The Cruiser
Making Paper Airplanes: The Eagle
Making Origami: Paper Boat
Art Time with Raazia: Sponge Painting
Making Origami: Paper Butterfly
Art Time with Ms. Jenny: Yarn Alien
Art Time with Raazia: Pringle Can Vase
Making Paper Airplanes: The Hummingbird
Art Time With Ms. Bethany: Tessellations
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